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Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen og James Phelan i samtale om Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" i Project Narratives Podcast

Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen gæster Project Narrative Podcast, hvor han i samtale med James Phelan diskuterer Edgar Allan Poes novelle “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

Hør podcasten her: Episode 24: Jim Phelan & Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen — Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” – Project Narrative (osu.edu) eller find Project Narrative i din podcastsapp. 


Om Project Narrative podcast: 

The Project Narrative podcast, launched in November 2021, is a monthly series in which a scholar selects a short narrative, reads it aloud, and then discusses it with a host. The discussion is organized around the questions, “what is this narrative doing, how is it doing it, and why do both of those things matter?”

The Project Narrative podcast is built on the idea that storytelling is one of humanity’s greatest inventions, a way in which we both seek to understand the world and to change it. The podcast features scholars of narrative in conversation about short narratives that engage in that work of knowing and intervening. In each episode, a scholar reads a narrative aloud and then discusses it with the host of the podcast, Jim Phelan, the director of Project Narrative. The conversations range across a wide array of topics: the guest’s reasons for selecting it; the sources of its appeal, including the pleasures it offers and the challenges it presents; the claims it makes about understanding some part of the world and about doing something as a result.

(Kilde: Podcasts | Project Narrative (osu.edu))